Sanders Auto Delivery
It's Easy to Enjoy Your Sanders Subscription

Subscription Policies, Management, and Cancellation
When you set up a subscription, you're agreeing to recurring purchases at the frequency you set. The cost of your subscription might change based on fluctuations in product or delivery pricing.
Your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged for each of these deliveries unless you choose to pay in advance.
Your subscription will auto-renew until you choose to pause or cancel the subscription. You can pause or cancel your subscription by visiting your account page, clicking "Manage Subscription", choosing the subscription you'd like to pause or cancel, and clicking "Cancel Subscription." You can then choose to either pause or cancel. You can also pause or cancel by calling 877.444.1404. You can pause cancel up to 48 hours before your next shipment.
See our returns policy for more details on returns and refunds.